Our Greeter Dogs
A fundamental part of our firm's environment at Wessels & Liebau has been our greeter dogs. These are typically super senior dogs, adopted by Carol, who love to meet people. Most of our clients enjoy petting them or just seeing them in the office. We have also had "guest" greeter dogs from time to time, and one who did not work out so well. Read more about our greeter dogs below.
Our Greeter Dog
Rita is a purebred border collie whose full name is "Shoreland's Reflections of Love."
We were very happy when Carol had the opportunity to adopt her from the same breeder that gave us DD. Rita is working into the role of greeter dog, and loves spending her days at the office, and the weekends playing with her brother Bowie.
Rainbow Bridge - Sunny
Our First Official Greeter Dog
Sunny (or "Summer") was a wonderful, sweet Border Collie that Carol adopted as a senior dog from the Wisconsin Humane Society - Ozaukee Campus. She was a "founding member" of the firm. Sunny made clients feel at home and comfortable. Sunny went to the Rainbow Bridge on January 16, 2017, after a (thankfully) short battle with liver disease. For an article featuring thoughts from Sunny, click here. Sunny is the inspiration for the non-profit that Carol founded called Summer’s Home, Inc. Click here for more information on that non-profit.
Rainbow Bridge - DD
Official Greeter Dog
DD was a retired champion Australian Shepherd. Carol adopted her when she was 8, and she was our greeter dog for two years. Sadly, she developed a rapidly-growing cancer and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on August 7, 2020. She enjoyed greeting clients and being petted. She loved playing in the snow and running on the beach.
Rainbow Bridge - Daisy
Official Greeter Dog
Daisy was a Border Collie. Carol adopted her when she was 8-10 years old. (She kept her real age a secret.) She was very friendly and loved to take naps! She became suddenly very ill and went to the Rainbow Bridge on August 3, 2021, not even a year after we lost DD. This is the hardest part about adopting and loving senior dogs.
Greeter dog failure
Bowie is the exception to Carol's rule of adopting senior dogs. She got him when he was 1, as a companion to Sunny. He was a stray dog on the streets of Missouri. He is a border collie.
Shortly after Sunny crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Bowie wanted to try his paw at being the greeter dog. We knew it was not going to be a good fit when he ran full steam ahead at the delivery guy and almost knocked him over. Bowie claims it was an "enthusiastic greeting." We think it was over the top.
Bowie remains at home most days, guarding the house from intruders while Carol and her husband Paul are at work. He is still working on proper greeter dog etiquette. He does come to the office occasionally, usually when we do not have visitors. Bless his heart!