Estate Planning
Estate planning is the process of deciding how you want your affairs managed, and who you want doing it. It’s about making your own decisions about what you want to happen with your healthcare, and your money, both while you are alive and after death. It’s about understanding your own goals and values, and then putting those to paper in a legally binding matter.
Estate planning should not be a scary or overwhelming process, but unfortunately there is a lot of incorrect information out there. At Wessels & Liebau, our experienced Estate Planning Attorneys Carol Wessels and Jessica Liebau want to make sure you get the right information and the right estate plan for your needs.
One common misconception is that estate planning is only for when we get “old.” Actually, everyone over age 18 (the legal age of adulthood in Wisconsin) should have some form of an estate plan, even if that estate plan is just powers of attorney for finances and health care.
Our “typical” estate planning client
Younger couples nominating guardians and setting up a trust for their minor children.
Older couples with known or expected long-term care concerns, looking to preserve their autonomy and assets.
Individuals, unmarried couples, or couples in second (or more) marriages who cannot rely on the legal defaults to distribute their assets properly at death, and who need to be careful with appointing decisionmakers.
Adults of any age with a disability who have the capacity to enter into estate planning documents.
Families that include a child with special needs, to make sure the appropriate arrangements are put in place to provide long-term security.
People interested in charitable giving.
People who need to plan for their pets.
People with substantial assets who are worried about tax implications.
People without substantial assets who worry about paying for long-term care.
Anyone age 18 or older who wants to make sure decisions are made and assets are distributed according to their wishes, and not the wishes of someone else.
At Wessels & Liebau, we help guide clients through the entire estate planning process. This includes brainstorming and planning, drafting and finalizing documents, communicating intentions to the important people named in the estate plan, and updating the documents over time as life, laws, or intentions change.
Then, when an estate plan is implemented after death, we ensure documents are honored and executed properly, whether through a trust administration or a probate.
We welcome all estate planning clients regardless of age, background, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.