Elder Law
Elder Law
"Elder Law attorneys" or as some people say, "elder care attorneys" are lawyers who handle a range of legal issues that arise as a person ages. These include:
The need to have important documents in place to name people who can make decisions, such as a health care power of attorney and financial power of attorney.
Questions and concerns about long-term care planning, such as Medicaid (also called Title 19 or MA), Family Care, and IRIS.
Concerns about what happens to your assets if you or a loved one needs nursing home care.
A need to pursue guardianship where a loved one has an illness and did not have powers of attorney in place.
A need for a tough lawyer when someone is trying to pursue a guardianship that is not appropriate.
Financial abuse and exploitation (sometimes called “fiduciary abuse” when the person stealing the money is a power of attorney agent or a trustee).
Helping clients understand admission contracts for an assisted living facility or “memory care” facility.
As experienced elder law attorneys, our main focus is to guide you through these issues and provide the legal help that you need. Elder law attorneys Carol Wessels and Jessica Liebau have over 45 years of combined experience and have represented clients in elder law cases at all levels of proceedings from administrative hearings to the United States Supreme Court.
Often, families who are in the process of searching for assisted living or "memory care" for a loved one are told that it is a good time to see an "elder care attorney." If you are in that position, you are in the right place. Contact us, we can help.